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Case Study: How Ripple Primary Transformed Struggling Readers into Engaged Learners with Reading Eggs

How teachers can using Reading Eggs to achieve reading success

Ripple Primary, a vibrant school on the outskirts of London, was experiencing a surge in student enrolment.

With this growth however, educators noticed a concerning decline in reading engagement.

Time constraints and recent disruptions had exacerbated existing learning gaps, leaving students struggling with fundamental literacy concepts.

Acknowledging the need for a solution, Year 6 teacher Agazi Kahsai sought a comprehensive literacy program.

Agazi explains:

"Our students’ skills were falling short of expectations and time constraints limited our ability to address all learning gaps. We needed a program that offered daily practice both in school and at home that also engaged students while covering the essential areas of literacy."

Why Ripple Primary chose Reading Eggs

Ripple Primary opted for Reading Eggs, our online reading program for schools.

Reading Eggs encompasses three distinct programs, Reading Eggs, Fast Phonics, and Reading Eggspress, each aligned with the Science of Reading's five pillars of literacy.

This alignment guaranteed Ripple Primary comprehensive coverage of essential literacy components, including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary.

Reading Eggs' diverse array of interactive lessons, activities and games also assured Ripple Primary of its capacity to engage and cater to the diverse needs of its expanding student population, as highlighted by Agazi:

"It's not a one-size-fits-all approach. There's something for everyone and learning can be personalised to meet individual student needs."

Fast Phonics, leveraging systematic, synthetic phonics instruction, instilled confidence regarding the rapid enhancement of reading skills, especially for struggling readers.

As noted by Agazi:

"Fast Phonics was ideal for our EAL students and those with knowledge gaps, offering ample opportunities to sound out words and recognise them in written form, bridging the gap between the sounds they hear and the written words they see."

Similarly, Reading Eggspress promised comprehensive coverage of comprehension and core literacy skills through engaging, motivating and relevant lessons.

While the vast collection of 4,000 e-books (including 450+ decodable readers) in the Reading Eggs Library, along with personalised reading journals, ensured Ripple Primary’s students would remain engaged and able to progress without hindrance.

Agazi sharing:

"We have some younger students who are already thriving on the more advanced Reading Eggspress program, so our confident learners are never held back and can advance at their own pace."

Kindergarten kids listening to their teacher reading.

Results: How Reading Eggs impacted Ripple Primary

1. Enhanced student engagement

Reading Eggs ushered in new era of literacy engagement at Ripple Primary, with students immersing themselves in the program's captivating lessons.

By providing a clear progression system and exciting rewards, Reading Eggs keeps learners motivated as they visibly track their achievements.

The interactive Reading Journal further fuels this motivation by allowing students to rate and track books, chapters and words read.

Agazi shares the program's impact:

"Reading Eggs gives our students confidence and encouragement. When they see their friends achieving, it inspires them to reach that level too. This creates a positive cycle of motivation that's crucial for success!"

2. Strengthened comprehension and core literacy skills

The vast library of resources offered by Reading Eggs, including hundreds of lessons, activities, games and over 4,000 e-books, has played a significant role in enhancing literacy at Ripple Primary.

Integrated comprehension checks ensure that students grasp concepts before moving on, as highlighted by Agazi:

“Students are required to achieve an 80% comprehension rate before progressing. This encourages them to actively engage with the texts, explore language nuances and solidify essential comprehension skills.”

Beyond comprehension, Agazi also observed improvements in fluency and grammatical awareness.

"Students have gained greater confidence in reading, their fluency is improving, and their grammar awareness is developing because the program continuously exposes them to correct grammar usage."

How to inspire book chats in class

3. Boosted motivation: The power of gamified learning

Reading Eggs' gamified elements proved to be a powerful tool for captivating Ripple Primary's students with Agazi explaining:

"Our students thrive on micro-learning experiences and Reading Eggs delivers that through its engaging games. But it's not just fun, the games are seamlessly linked to learning, making it a win-win for everyone!"

Workshops showcasing Reading Eggs' features, including the games, also surprised and delighted parents.

"We had parents saying, 'Wow, this is actually great - they aren’t just playing games they’re really learning!’ They truly appreciate the program's positive impact, with students now eager to get home and practice on Reading Eggs."

4. Improved student confidence with personalised learning

Teachers at Ripple Primary have described the program's personalised learning features as a game changer.

Whether it's reinforcing concepts learned in class or introducing new topics beforehand, teachers can assign targeted activities to solidify student understanding.

Detailed reports and student progress data also allow teachers to identify skill gaps and assign specific lessons to address those areas.

Agazi noting:

"The ability to personalise learning paths has been instrumental in boosting understanding. Students aren't passive learners anymore; they come to class with a foundation of knowledge, ready to actively participate!"

Join Ripple Primary and thousands of other schools transforming their students' literacy journeys with Reading Eggs.

Get started with a free 30-day trial and witness the impact on your students' engagement, understanding and love for reading today!

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online reading program for students