Reading books online is fast becoming the norm in an age where the internet provides teachers and parents with innumerable learning resources at the click of a mouse. While it is still highly beneficial for kids to read books at the library or at school, there is now a wealth of reading books and material available on the internet, many of which can be found in online reading programmes like Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress.
Completing reading lessons as part of an online reading programme can help develop the core literacy skills your child needs to learn to read – like phonemic awareness, phonics skills, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension – but these skills need to be applied to reading actual books in order for your child to be a truly successful reader. As part of the Reading Eggspress programme, which is designed for 3 to 7 year olds, children read a range of book titles that match their level of ability. Every lesson after Lesson 9 of Reading Eggs ends with an e-book that allows children to apply the skills learnt during that lesson. These e-books range from alphabet, story and non-fiction titles.
Designed for 7 to 13 year olds, Reading Eggspress includes, in addition to its comprehension, spelling, vocabulary and grammar lessons, an online library of over 3000 ebooks. These ebooks include illustrated chapter books, full colour non-fiction books and a range of classics, with new books added regularly. After reading each e-book, children complete a 10 question quiz that tests their comprehension, earning exciting rewards for correct answers. The full Reading Eggspress Library is also available on iPad, so kids can read their favourite online books on the go.